A walk round Devon

If you came to this page from another part of the website,
click above for a link to the main map of Devon and story of the walk
 that I made to raise awareness of the threat that faces Devon

By turbine no 7
On Ash Down, near Braunton
Walk 1 - see the scenery
in the south of the site

At Patsford
At Patsford, south of Ilfracombe
Walk 2 - up around the
 north of the site

With Nick Harvey

Burland Road
Dartmoor visible from
the ancient Burland Lane
Walk 4, north to centre of the site

Codden Hill
Walk 5, views
from Codden Hill
(more walk photos to be added)

At Fullabrook

  Near Fullabrook
another photo from
Walk 4, north and west

Turbine base at Cefn Croes, Wales
The future for Devon?
 See what happened
at Cefn Croes:

Click on this map for larger map with more information about the site

Map of Fullabrook Down wind farm site
The Fullabrook Down Wind Farm Site
click on map for larger version
From near Crow point
 Near Crow Point,
Braunton Burrows
Walk 6, see Fullabrook
views from here

Little Comfort Farm
Paint it Day at
Little Comfort Farm
Peter Cresswell`s poem

Stirling today
will this be the kind of view
 we will get from Codden
Hill and Fremington?

Painting by Reg Gale
Artists I met on the walk
Reg Gale

The developers tell you
noise isn`t an issue

all over the world,
residents near wind farms
 say it is

Why spending £100bn on windfarms to please the EU is Labour's greatest act of lunacy
read Christopher Booker in the Daily Mail

Renewables targets a mistake, says Sir David King, top government advisor (04-09-08)

The Decision

all this destruction for so little benefit

CAWT walk on Halsinger Down
CAWT Group brave
the rain, near Halsinger

From the new bridge
View towards site,
from the new bridge
over the Taw, more images soon
Ilfracombe Harbour
Ilfracombe Harbour,
North Devon coast,
 not far from the turbine site
(and very close to new one proposed at Mullacott Cross)

David Bellamy and Alison Chapman
The first Paint it Day
Professor David Bellamy supports
the GLARE artists on Blackcraig Hill
Dumfries and Galloway
Barnstaple  Bus Station
Barnstaple Bus Station
A far better Green icon

Wind farm noise destroying people`s lives in:

(Listen again on Radio Four)
Wales- click on BBAG objection letter for pdf about noise and
other disturbances suffered near
Blaen Bewi turbines

What it is like to live under a wind farm
- watch this video
These are just a few instances, many
more people have had their lives
seriously disrupted and face the prospect
of losing their homes with no
compensation from the wind
power industry or the government..
Barnstaple from the new bridge
Barnstaple from the new bridge

The decision

More videos about living
with wind turbines
in Cumbria
In Australia

George Monbiot - repeatedly quoted
during the the Fullabrook Inquiry
by those who were in support of the
wind farm - no longer so keen on
wind farms
the protestors website,
with many good articles to read

North Devon
District Council
and the

Inspector`s report

Council go for Judicial Review

North Devon District Council Recycling

How many new coal and
gas-power stations will need
to be built as back up if this
wind farm is built?

The case against Wind Farms
by Dr. John Etherington

Letters in response to the decision
Bob Geldof calls renewables
like wind power
"Mickey Mouse"

President Sarkozy - an environmental hero!
Well done to the French!