The "Paint it while it`s there" day at Little Comfort Farm, May 1st 2005

by the bridgeOn a beautiful day in May, we met at Little Comfort Farm and sketched or painted by the river Caen and the fishing lake.

This is an idyllic spot, in a valley just below the downs, not far from West Down. People come here for some quiet fishing, or to walk up the pretty track towards Snowball Woods.

If you go back to the map you can see where we were, and you will realise that the turbines would be on the hills behind and above us. They would be a horrific and inappropriate intrusion on this peaceful place where people come to get away from the hassle and stresses  of the modern world.

L to R, myself, Judy, Bernice, Ros Daly, Angela Carter, Pippa Stafford, Lesley and Olivia (baby), Reg Gale and Clare.
Reg and Judy
Reg and Judy, by the little
stream (river Caen)

Reg by lake
Reg at the fishing lake - the
  turbines would be on the

in the caravan
In the caravan where we
 had refreshments.
 Peter Cresswell read us a
 poem he had written.

Painting by Reg Gale
Little Comfort Farm
by Reg Gale
Another by Reg Gale
Little Comfort Farm
by Reg Gale
painting by Ros Daly
Tree by Ros Daly

sketch by pippa stafford
by Pippa Stafford
painting by Angela Carter
by Angela Carter
