Country Guardian

The logo on the right is familiar to nearly everyone involved in the fight to protect our landscapes from destruction by wind factories.  It is the logo of Country Guardian, whose Chairman, Angela Kelly is an artist.   Not many people know that Angela herself designed this logo. During the walk I was especially proud to wear a cap and shirt displaying this logo. The design is clean and green and to me it symbolises the unspoilt earth.


On the right is a very poorly reproduced photocopy of a watercolour that Angela did many years ago. I wish we could see it on colour, but even so we can admire it and wish that we could see more of her work. 
Angela hasn`t had time to paint for many years, because all her time is spent helping  protest groups across all parts of Britain, and also in many other parts of the world.
I believe that all of the artists who have submitted work to this website will join with me in thanking her for all that she has done to help keep our landscapes free from wind farms.

Watercolour by Angela Kelly


If you want to know more about Country Guardian, or are looking for information about wind farms, go to

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