Artists across Britain unite to paint landscapes that are threatened by wind turbines

"Paint it while it`s there" Day, May 1st, 2005

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Mynydd y Gwair, near Swansea, South Wales

Jenny Keal and children
Jenny Keal at Mynyd y Gwair with children and supporters from the Socme group
look at my painting
Look at my painting!

More photos from Wales

North Tawton, Bow and Spreyton, the Denbrook Group, Mid Devon

group painting
In front of Nichols Nymet House - can they see the balloon?

two artists at work
Two artists at work

More Devon photos

Mid Wales

Anne West, Vice Chairman of Country Guardian
A touch of elegance.... Ann West,
Vice Chairman of Country Guardian

Little Comfort Farm,  Fullabrook Down, North Devon

pippa stafford
Pippa Stafford,
by the lake
by the bridge
Some of the artists and supporters at the bridge over the little stream, including Angela Carter, Christine Lovelock, Judy Friend, Reg Gale and Clare. The hills behind them are where the turbines would be if the plans were passed.

Ros in the trees
Ros Daly,
among the trees

More photos from Devon

Link to pinboard of paintings done on the day

Photos from Essex                                                Sketches from Scotland
